
Why you shouldn’t do this when you’re stressed

By |2017-06-11T13:17:46+10:00June 7th, 2017|Anxiety, Stress|

Watch too much bad news

The news about terror attacks #London Bridge #Brighton Siege #We Stand with Manchester has seemed particularly grim lately. On Sunday I watched the London Bridge attack and saw people take cover under tables in a restaurant at London Bridge. It left me feeling like I was there. The panic, confusion and […]

5 ways to make sure your career is not sabotaging your relationship

By |2017-06-30T18:39:02+10:00March 19th, 2017|Anxiety, Relationships Tips, Self confidence, Well - being|

Work – life balance is a moving target. The reality of getting ahead in the professional sphere is being dedicated to your career, which can be a truly demanding taskmaster. How do you have it all? It’s hard enough being focused and navigating the everyday perils and politics of a stimulating and challenging job. Yet once […]

7 tips for how to survive and thrive during the silly season

By |2017-06-11T17:40:52+10:00November 5th, 2016|Anxiety, Self confidence, Stress, Well - being|

This blog is back by popular demand! Two years ago many took heart and felt motivated to do something different with their Christmas. Including this blog reader who commented after reading it with:

I now spend Christmas Day with really good friends. I prioritise that over spending it with family. I see my family […]

More great tips to help you with anxiety…

By |2016-11-28T19:30:41+10:00November 4th, 2016|Well - being|

I am excited to share a guest post I did recently for the Quiet Mind Collective.

My colleague, Celeste Coffman wanted to compile a whole heap of great content from experienced therapists about how to manage anxiety.

My contribution was to discuss the practical ways you can befriend your anxiety and use your natural inbuilt calming system (your breathing) […]

How to Manage Anxiety – Part 1

By |2016-11-28T19:30:51+10:00August 3rd, 2016|Anxiety, Well - being|

What Anxiety is Like:

At random moments, I will get this building worry and fear that something isn’t right. Everything could be just perfectly fine, but my mind will trick itself into believing that something is wrong. It will convince itself that my life is falling apart. I will worry about one thing one minute and […]

Medicare and mental health – what you need to ask in this election campaign

By |2016-11-28T19:30:57+10:00June 19th, 2016|Anxiety, Depression, Stress|

The truth about mental health in this country.

Did you know there are 3.2 million Australians who suffer from a mental illness every year?

Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians aged 15 – 44.

“It has been described as a national emergency. While the Turnbull government has begun to implement some structural reforms affecting […]

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