
Ways to release stress

The power of self compassion

By |2019-07-09T10:38:21+10:00July 9th, 2019|Anxiety, Depression, Self confidence, Stress|

Do you want to understand the power of self compassion to help you when in pain, anywhere and anytime? Does it sound too good to be true? When people experience something going wrong at work —whether it’s a bad sales quarter, being overlooked for a promotion, or a conflict with a colleague—it’s common to respond […]

Four tips to help when you feel depressed

By |2018-09-25T14:57:06+10:00September 25th, 2018|Depression, Stress|

  • Can’t get out of bed
  • Low energy, dragging yourself through the day?
  • Keep thinking about things you’ve done in the past that make you feel bad? (Check out how to stop thinking about the past)
  • Feel hopeless about your future?
  • Negativity eating you from the inside out?

Increasing mastery makes you feel competent […]

How to have a great relationship

By |2018-11-13T17:29:06+10:00July 14th, 2017|Relationships Tips, Self confidence, Stress, Well - being|

Do you want to cultivate happiness, foster understanding and prioritise your loved one and yourself?” Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) can help you create a closer relationship.” Personally, EFT taught me to gradually learn to stay open-hearted and maintain perspective even during disagreements, not every time, but much more often. I learnt how to fight fair and […]

Why you shouldn’t do this when you’re stressed

By |2017-06-11T13:17:46+10:00June 7th, 2017|Anxiety, Stress|

Watch too much bad news

The news about terror attacks #London Bridge #Brighton Siege #We Stand with Manchester has seemed particularly grim lately. On Sunday I watched the London Bridge attack and saw people take cover under tables in a restaurant at London Bridge. It left me feeling like I was there. The panic, confusion and […]

Are you in an emotionally abusive relationship?

By |2017-06-07T10:28:58+10:00March 26th, 2017|Anxiety, Relationships Tips, Self confidence, Self Improvement, Stress, Well - being|

Simply because in our culture we are brought up to believe the fairytale. No-one mentioned in the job description, the consistent discipline of compromise, patience, loyalty or the hard – won empathy required from both people to make it work. Yet any of you in a long term relationship probably know, love is a […]

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